Dit is de lijst van de 39 liedjes waaruit het album bestaat. Jullie kunnen erop klikken om de vertaling en de tekst te zien.
Hier is een lijstje met de liedjes die Victor Crone zou kunnen beslissen om te zingen, ook het album waaruit elk liedje afkomstig is, wordt weergegeven:
- Wake Up by Eliot
- Run with the Lions by Jurij Veklenko
- Az én apám by Joci Pápai
- Proud by Tamara Todevska
- Say Na Na Na by Serhat
- Fire of Love
- Replay by Tamta
- Sister by S!sters
- Stay by Anna Odobescu
- Look Away by Darude
- Storm by Victor Crone
- Hatrið mun sigra by Hatari
- Truth by Chingiz
- Walking Out by Srbuk
- La Venda by Miki Núñez
- Limits by PÆNDA
- Ktheju tokës by Jonida Maliqi
- Chameleon by Michela
- Home by Kobi Marimi - קובי מרימי
- Love Is Forever by Leonora
- Keep On Going by Oto Nemsadze
- Bigger than Us by Michael Rice
- On a Sunday by Ester Peony
- She Got Me by Luca Hänni
- Like It by ZENA
- Friend of a Friend by Lake Malawi
- The Dream by Roko Blažević
- Kruna by Nevena Božović
- Telemóveis by Conan Osíris
- Arcade by Duncan Laurence
- Roi by Bilal Hassani
- Zero Gravity by Kate Miller-Heidke
- Better Love by Katerine Duska
- Scream by Сергей Лазарев
- List of Eurovision 2019 national finals
- 22 by Sarah McTernan
- Heaven by D mol
- Spirit in the Sky by KEiiNO
- That Night by Carousel