Informatie over het album You Are What You Is van Frank Zappa
Zaterdag 18 Januari 2025 het nieuwe album van Frank Zappa is uitgebracht, het is genaamd You Are What You Is.
We willen enkele van zijn andere albums herinneren die hieraan voorafgingen: Zoot Allures / Over-Nite Sensation / You Can’t Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 5 / The Old Masters Box Three / Beat The Boots I: 3.Freaks and Motherfu / Civilization Phaze III / Hammersmith Odeon / Freak Out! / You Can’t Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 1 / Broadway the Hard Way / London Symphony Orchestra, Volume 1 & 2 / Thing-Fish / Sheik Yerbouti / Joe’s Garage: Acts I, II & III / Boulez Conducts Zappa: The Perfect Stranger / Cruising with Ruben & The Jets / The Old Masters Box Two.
De 19 liedjes waaruit het album bestaat, zijn de volgende:
Dit zijn enkele bekende nummers gezongen door Frank Zappa. Tussen de haakjes staat de naam van het album:
- Theme from the 3rd Movement of “Sinister Footwear'
- Drafted Again
- Beauty Knows No Pain
- Charlie's Enormous Mouth
- Harder Than Your Husband
- Mudd Club
- You Are What You Is
- Conehead
- The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
- Suicide Chump
- Any Downers?
- Heavenly Bank Account
- Teen-Age Wind
- Doreen
- Jumbo Go Away
- I'm a Beautiful Guy
- If Only She Woulda
- Dumb All Over
- Society Pages
Sommige teksten en vertalingen van Frank Zappa
- Son Of Mr. Green GenesFrank Zappa
- AnythingFrank Zappa
- Bobby BrownFrank Zappa
- Love StoryFrank Zappa
- Watermelon In Easter HayFrank Zappa
- Catholic GirlsFrank Zappa
- Jewish PrincessFrank Zappa
- He’s So GayFrank Zappa
- Murder By NumbersFrank Zappa
- Find Her FinerFrank Zappa
- Sofa No. 1Frank Zappa
- Stink-footFrank Zappa
- Go Cry On Somebody Else’s ShoulderFrank Zappa
- Dinah-moe Humm [hammersmith Odeon]Frank Zappa
- This Ain’t CnnFrank Zappa
- Echidna’s ArfFrank Zappa
- Call Any Vegetable [freaks And Motherfu]Frank Zappa
- Cletus Awreetus-awrightusFrank Zappa
- Geneva FarewellFrank Zappa
- Fz/jcb Drum DuetFrank Zappa